BI worldwide

We like to know your ideas about a Global Basic Income. Let us know your opinion by filling out the short questionnaire below. You don't have to answer all questions.

Name and address
First name		
Family name	
Year of birth	

Do you want to receive updates on the GBI Foundation
and the fight against poverty worldwide (max. 4 times a year)?: yes


A Global Basic Income is:
a good idea
a bad idea
don't know


What do you think are good reasons for a Global Basic Income?
eradication of extreme poverty
increasing global awareness
a social safety net for the global economy
more freedom of work choice
stopping exploitation of employees
making it easier to work part-time
recognition of unpaid work (raising children, caring, voluntary work)
it is a simple idea, easy to implement and monitor

Other positive consequences and advantages:


What do you think are disadvantages of a Global Basic Income?
it's too expensive
the formal duty to work should not be abolished
too much bureaucracy
preventing fraud and corruption will be difficult
a basic income is a good idea, but not for all cultures or in every economic situation

Other disadvantages:


What is the best way to finance a GBI?
all countries contribute a percentage of their GDP to an international fund
global taxes
Earth Dividend
global income tax
don't know


Additional remarks and opinions:



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